Artist-400While I was in High school I had decided that I wanted to become an Art teacher. As a sophomore I took a drafting course. One of our assignment in Art class was to draw the hallway using one point perspective. I showed it to Mr. Zabuka, my drafting teacher, he asked me what I was thinking about as a future career. I told him I was thinking about becoming an Art teacher. He asked me if I ever thought about becoming an architect. He said “You know Jon as a sophomore you are the best drafter that I have ever had.” I told him yes that I had thought about that career too. I started researching the field of Architecture and was fascinated by it. By my senior year I was torn between the two careers. By the end of my senior year I decided to try Architecture. I began my schooling at Kent State University. On the first day of orientation we were told that the program was very rigorous and to keep up you will be pulling all nighters at least three nights a week. Their motto was, “You snooze you loose” I had to have a part time job to pay for my schooling. They were correct about the time needed to keep up with the program, on top of that I was working. I stayed in the Architecture program for two years. Lack of sleep and the demands of the design class, plus all the other class requirements did me in. My good friend told me “A wise man knows his limitations” So I changed my career goals and doubled majored in Art, and Industrial Arts Technology Education. Later in life I went back to school and received my Mathematics degree. I Loved my University experience, I was fascinated by every subject, I was like a sponge and wanted to soak up all the knowledge I could. My thirst for knowledge was inextinguishable. I took extra courses that were not necessary for my degree. I was especially fascinated by psychology. After graduating I taught school for seventeen years. I was blessed as a teacher to get hired by a school system that had a magnet school for the Arts. The magnet school also had a program for the mentally gifted. I enjoyed my years of teaching, it was very challenging but also, very rewarding. I am now a full time artist and have I never lost my fascination of Architecture. So when you pour all my experiences in a bowl and mix it up what you get is the architectural reproductions that you see.

My Mind: I have both an analytical side and a creative side to my mind. My architectural reproductions satisfies my analytical side, while my other Artwork allows my creative side to come out. Please visit my creative Art as well on my facebook page. You are welcome to friend me.

Favorite quotes:
“Creativity is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Bob Marley

As an artist, I do other work also, and you are welcome to go to my Azure Studio facebook page and have a look. You are welcome to friend me. My e-mail address for people interested in my other art is